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How to Protect Your Privacy on Mobile Phone

Melanie Pallotti
April 4, 2024

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It’s no secret that nowadays our lives are intertwined with technology, especially through our mobile devices. From social media apps to fitness trackers, these devices collect vast amounts of data about us. But do we really understand where this data goes and who has access to it? As technology continues to advance, it's crucial to be aware of the implications of data collection on our privacy. We will dive into the complexities of mobile data privacy, highlighting the importance of understanding how your data can be collected, who all may have access to it, and what you can do to protect your information from falling into the hands of malicious parties.

Understanding Your Data

Learning Where it Goes and Who All Has Access To It

In a technology-focused world, understanding where your data goes and who can see it is more crucial now than it’s ever been. With the rise of mobile devices, data collection has undergone a significant transformation, shifting from traditional ad tech focused on search queries to encompassing location tracking and app-usage data. This shift has been facilitated by the inclusion of software development kits (SDKs) in mobile apps, often from unknown advertising networks, which gather various information without explicit user consent.

The lack of federal privacy laws has left many ad-tech companies and data brokers unregulated and opaque in their operations. This opacity makes it challenging for users to track and control the sharing of their data, leading to concerns about data privacy and security. Privacy controls on mobile operating systems, while improved over the years, still rely on complicated menus buried deep within the system, often not configured with privacy in mind by default.

Mobile app advertising typically involves collecting user data to build profiles for targeted advertising. This data collection is often done through SDKs embedded in apps, which can gather information such as location and app-usage data. Despite privacy policies and terms of service statements, users are often unaware of the extent of data collection and sharing by these apps.

With a lack of federal laws surrounding privacy, it’s crucial that you understand how to protect your data.

One major concern is the potential access to data by various parties, including app developers, third parties the app shares data with, and employees at companies hosting server data. Without proper encryption measures, data transmitted through apps can be intercepted and used for advertising purposes or accessed by government agencies. While end-to-end encryption can prevent unauthorized access to data, it is not widely implemented in most online activities. This means that companies hosting data can access it, even if encrypted, and potentially share it with others. The lack of encryption in many online activities leaves individuals vulnerable to privacy breaches and data misuse.

Understanding the journey of your data and who can access it is essential in today's digital age. While improvements have been made in privacy controls, users must remain vigilant and proactive in protecting their data privacy. This includes being mindful of app permissions, limiting data sharing, and advocating for stronger privacy laws and regulations.

How To Protect Your Data

Disable Personalized Ad Tracking on Your Phone

Disabling personalized ad tracking on your phone is a crucial step in enhancing your privacy. By opting out of personalized ads, you prevent apps and data brokers from easily tracking your device and building a profile about you. This can help reduce the amount of targeted advertising you receive and limit the sharing of your personal data with third parties.

  • On iOS devices, you can disable personalized ad tracking by navigating to Settings > Privacy > Advertising and enabling the "Limit Ad Tracking" option. This prevents apps from using your device's advertising identifier to track your activity across different apps.
  • For Android devices, you can opt out of personalized ads by going to Settings > Google > Ads and enabling the "Opt out of Ads Personalization" option. This prevents Google from using your advertising ID to create personalized ads for you.

Consider the Apps You Download

When considering which apps to download, it's important to think about the potential privacy implications. Before downloading an app, ask yourself if you really need it or if there's a web-based alternative that could serve the same purpose. Many apps request permissions that may seem excessive for their intended function, such as access to your location or contacts.

Many apps gain permission to sensitive information like banking details, medical records, and contacts.

It's also wise to review the developer's reputation and the app's reviews to ensure it's trustworthy. Look for apps from reputable developers with a history of respecting user privacy. Additionally, be cautious of apps that are ad-heavy or ask for unnecessary permissions, as these may be indicators of data collection practices you're uncomfortable with. By carefully considering the apps you download, you can minimize your exposure to potential privacy risks and ensure that your personal data remains secure.

Pay Mind to Permissions

When installing new apps, pay close attention to the permissions they request. App permissions give the app access to various aspects of your device and data, so it's essential to understand why an app needs certain permissions. For example, if a weather app asks for access to your contacts or microphone, it may be a red flag. A weather app typically shouldn't need access to these features to function properly. Similarly, if a game asks for permission to send SMS messages, it's important to question why.

  • To manage app permissions on iOS, go to Settings > Privacy to review and manage app permissions.
  • On Android, go to Settings > Apps & notifications > App permissions. From there, you can see which apps have access to certain features and revoke permissions if necessary.

By paying attention to app permissions, you can ensure that apps only have access to the data and features they truly need, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to your personal information.

Limit What Apps Can Do in the Background

Limiting what apps are able to do in the background not only protects your data, but also extends your device’s battery life.

Limiting what apps can do in the background can help protect your privacy and improve your device's performance and battery life. Some apps continue to run in the background, even when you're not actively using them, to fetch data or send notifications. However, this background activity can also be used for tracking or collecting data without your knowledge. By limiting background activity, you can reduce the amount of data apps collect and potentially improve your device's privacy and performance.

  • To limit background activity on iOS, go to Settings > General > Background App Refresh. Here, you can choose to disable background refresh for all apps or select specific apps.
  • On Android, managing background activity can be done at a system level. Go to Settings > Apps & notifications > App info, select the app you want to manage, and then tap on "Battery" or "Data usage." From there, you can restrict background activity for the selected app.

Make Note of When Services Require Logins and Look for Alternative Options

When a service requires you to create an account or log in, it's important to consider the implications for your privacy. Providing personal information, such as your email address, can lead to the creation of a profile about you, even if you've disabled your device's ad identifier. Additionally, some apps may require unnecessary permissions or access to sensitive information, such as your contacts or location, to function properly.

To protect your privacy, consider alternative options that don't require you to create an account or provide personal information. Look for apps that offer guest or anonymous browsing options, or explore similar services that prioritize privacy and data protection. If you decide to proceed with creating an account, review the app's privacy policy and terms of service to understand how your data will be used and shared. Be cautious of apps that ask for excessive permissions or have a history of data breaches. By being mindful of when services require logins and looking for other options, you can better protect your privacy online.

Explore In-App Privacy Settings

Exploring in-app privacy settings is an easy but underused way to protect your data.

When using apps, take the time to explore their settings for privacy-focused options. Some apps offer features that allow you to control the amount of data they collect and share. These settings can help you better manage your privacy while using the app. Look for options that allow you to opt out of data sharing with third parties or limit the collection of certain types of data, such as location information or browsing history. 

Some apps also offer settings that allow you to control the frequency of data collection or delete collected data on a regular basis. By exploring privacy-focused in-app settings, you can customize your app experience to better align with your privacy preferences. These settings can help you reduce the amount of data collected about you and enhance your overall privacy while using the app.

Delete Apps You Don’t Use

Regularly reviewing and deleting apps you no longer use is an important step in maintaining your privacy and keeping your device organized. Unused apps can still collect data in the background, potentially exposing your personal information to security risks or data breaches.

By deleting unused apps, you can reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your data and improve your device's performance and battery life. Additionally, removing clutter from your device can make it easier to find and use the apps you do use regularly. Regularly reviewing and deleting unused apps is a simple and effective way to enhance your privacy and device's overall performance.

  • To delete apps on iOS, press and hold the app icon until it starts to jiggle, then tap the "X" icon on the app you want to delete. 
  • On Android, go to Settings > Apps & notifications > App info, select the app you want to delete, and tap "Uninstall."

Really's DeWi

Really's decentralized wireless internet network, DeWi, is an innovative technology that aims to revolutionize the way we connect to wireless networks. By leveraging blockchain technology, DeWi seeks to create a decentralized, secure, and privacy-focused wireless network that is owned and operated by its users.

Really’s DeWi will encrypt and protect your data.

One of the key features of Really's DeWi is its focus on user privacy. Unlike traditional wireless networks, which often collect and store user data, DeWi operates on a decentralized network where users have full control over their data. This means that users can connect to the network without having to worry about their data being tracked or shared without their consent.

Really's DeWi is also designed to be highly secure, with built-in encryption and authentication mechanisms to protect user data. By decentralizing the network, DeWi also aims to improve network resilience and reliability, ensuring that users can always stay connected, even in challenging environments. Really's DeWi is a significant step forward in wireless networking technology, offering a secure, private, and decentralized alternative to traditional, and oftentimes unsecure, wireless networks.

Decoupling Data

Decoupling data refers to the practice of separating data from individual identities or personal information. This approach is increasingly important in the context of privacy and data protection, as it reduces the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access. By decoupling data, organizations can anonymize or aggregate data to remove any personally identifiable information (PII), such as names or contact details. This allows them to analyze trends, gather insights, and improve services without compromising individuals' privacy. 

Decoupling data is also beneficial for data sharing, as it allows organizations to share insights and collaborate without sharing sensitive personal information. Overall, decoupling data is a key strategy for protecting privacy and ensuring data security in today's digital age.

By learning how to best protect yourself and your data, you’ll be able to use your technology worry-free..

Safeguarding your mobile data privacy requires a proactive approach. By understanding where your data goes and who can access it, you can make informed decisions about the apps you use and how you interact with them. Taking steps such as disabling personalized ad tracking, limiting app permissions, and exploring privacy settings can greatly enhance your privacy. Being mindful of when services require logins and seeking out alternative options can further protect your personal information. Ultimately, staying informed about data privacy issues and understanding the plethora of ways in which you can protect yourself and your data are essential in ensuring that your data remains secure.

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